Home /Seed Preparatory Section


Seed Processing is the first and most vital step of the oil extraction process at Oil Mills or Oil Plants. This is the part where the seeds are procured, cleaned, flaked, and cooked so that the oil extraction process can be carried out in a more efficient manner. Almost all kinds of seeds have some amount of oil content in them.

Seed processing or Seed treatment is important so that the final output or the extracted oil is of the highest quality. Naturally, seeds come with husks, hulls, and sometimes even dust and unwanted particles like stones, metal, glass, etc. This hampers the oil extraction process and the extracted oil contains many impurities. Through seed treatment or processing, all the unwanted and impure materials are separated from the seeds. During the earlier times, traditional methods were used to clean the seeds from materials like stones, hull, husks, and dust. These methods were neither effective nor they provided accurate results.

Anand Oil Mill Plants with latest technology, manufacture and supply many seed processing machines which are used for processing different types of oilseeds. These machines are fabricated and constructed to give them utmost strength and sturdiness. These are used to clean, flake and cook all types of seeds such as Sunflower seeds, Castor seeds, Mustard seeds, Groundnuts, Soybeans, Copra, Palm seeds, Rape seeds, Lin seeds, Flax seeds, and many more. Some seeds vary from the others and needs special machines to crack, cut, and clean them. Oil Seed Processing Machines of all sorts are available to meet all these requirements.

Anand Oil Mill Plants are the manufacturers of all processes of seed treatment machinery which are categorized as Seed Cleaners, Seed Flakers, Seed Crackers / Breakers, Hullers, Copra Cutters, Decorticators / Separators, Destoners, Hammer Mills / Disintegrators, Boilers, Seed Cookers / Heating Kettles, Seed Elevators, Seed Conveyors, etc. One of the main advantages of using these seed processing machines and equipment is that they save a lot of labour, which otherwise is lost just by doing the same things manually. This in turn helps in saving precious time as well as increases the output of oil production. By the use of seed processing equipment, the oil that is extracted is also of the highest and purest quality as these machinery provide more accurate and precise results.

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Seed Cleaner
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